Elizabeth Scafidi

Nick Nicolaidis Submitted this review about The Car Transporters Inc.
Review made Live: 7/7/2011 12:18:00 AM
What looked like a lenghty and expensive process, thanks to Elizabeth turned out to be a very easy, fast and less expensive than originally anticipated. On top of that Elizabeth kept me up to date with info of the where abouts of the car and the expected delivery date. And, she never lost her temper with my frequent inquiries! Thanks Elizabeth.

Company Response
Terry Williams from The Car Transporters Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/7/2011 2:29:00 PM
**Elizabeth (602)539-1347 or elizabeth@car-transporters.com** . . . .Our "FIRST CLASS SERVICE" proven again why we are one of the BEST auto transporters in the NATION! Pretty soon you'll know my number by heart. But just in case there it is for next time. . .Thanks Nick!