Joe Submitted this review about EZ Auto Movers
Review made Live: 5/7/2008 2:28:00 PM
BY THE WAY, ANYONE READING THIS SHOULD REALIZE THAT I PAID THE DEPOSIT ON MARCH 28TH 2008 AND FAXED THE CONTRACT APRIL 2ND 2008. THE INFORMATION ABOUT THE VEHICLE WAS SUBMITTED TO THEM ON MARCH 26TH 2008. MARCH 26TH 2008 IS ALSO THE VEHICLE IS READY TO PICK-UP DATE. TODAY IS MAY 7TH 2008. So, it has been 43 days since submitted the inquiry, 41 days since I sent the $150 and 35 days since I faxed their signed contract back to them and still no car!!! Ok, I called them again. I told them to refund $90 to my Paypal account right away making my $150 deposit equal $60. And as requested by EZ Auto Movers Inc, I will pay the driver $300 when he shows up. This will make the originally agreed costs total $360. After that I will withdraw the Paypal dispute. That seems fair to me. And, after talking with Phil today (not the owner Joe) from customer service he agreed that after what I have been put through that EZ Auto Movers Inc should make it up to me. He also agreed on my fairness on withdrawing the Paypal dispute. One good thing about Phil is he does try to do things right unlike the owner Joe. My guess is that the owner (Joe) may have been the cause to this horribly long delay. See, fuel prices started to increase about a week after I paid them the deposit. I would guess, and I am probably right since all JOE talked about is the fuel costs and money, he was hoping that the fuel costs would go down to where they was or less (Join the club Joe!!) and that he could get a lower costs on tarnsports putting more money in his pockets. Well if the owner Joe thinks that fuel costs are ever going to come back down he is either a close minded fool or he is the biggest wishfull thinker that I have ever heard of!!!