El Camino

El Camino Submitted this review about EZ Auto Movers
Review made Live: 5/8/2008 9:23:00 PM
I just wanted to let EZ Auto Movers know, the driver (Milton with Flying Ryan Express) that was dispatched did not live up to his end of the deal. My car was supposed to go to Jefferson, OH. I told him it was 1 1/2 hours north of Canton, OH. He said great I have to go through Canton then I will make you delivery. The driver calls my delivery contact on May 8th at 7:30 P.M. and says that he did not realize that it was that far north in OH or he would not have taken the car. My delivery contact had to get a trailer and meet the driver 65 miles south of where it was supposed to be delivered at 10 P.M.. The people at EZ Auto Movers were great. I just feel that the contract was voided due to the fact my cousin had to meet the driver because he did not want to finish the deal. The driver said he had to be in Jersey at 2 A.M.. I did the math and there is no way he would not have made it to Jersey in 4 hours, so I think it was all a scam. The driver then proceeded to tell me that he would take $25 dollars off the delivery price. That would not even cover the milage, gas, and hassle that my family had to go through. I tried to contact EZ Auto Movers but it was after business hours. I will try again in the morning to contact EZ Auto and see what they say. MORE TO COME...