Once you give them your credit card info, they authorize a random amount. You can't cancel once you sign their contract, and they will change the cc amount they charge you at their discretion. They wi [More]
Montway was chosen to transport my new car across country. The delivery date past and 10 days later they delivered my car totaled. When I called Montway their claims people told me that they were not [More]
Montway was chosen to transport my new car across country. The delivery date past and 10 days later they delivered my car totaled. When I called Montway their claims people told me that they were not [More]
1917 truck in original condition - Midwest to East Coast
Christine Davis with AmeriFreight delivered the best shipping experience I’ve ever had.
Vehicle was not running and my request not to have it [More]
I chose to use this company to transport my daughter’s car from Idaho to home in Arizona. I was shocked at all of the quotes ranging from $375-$1500. So I found this company and was quoted $500. $200 [More]
On February 14 they picked up my 2003 Dodge 2500 Cummins. On March 10,2022 it was available for pickup. When I arrived my truck was not on the lot where it was supposed to be. The batteries were dead [More]
This company will go down to the pit. Upcharging on customers last minute is atrocious and deceptive business practice. On the day meant to pick up the vehicle, you call and charge almost double the a [More]
Review by tgon 12/12/2024 12:30 PM
about Nexus Auto
Nexus is a horrible car delivery service that selects people who are scammers. Nexus said that we will have to only pay $330 as a deposit to them and $525 at the point of delivery to the driver. The d [More]
Place was recommended to us from the man I bought my car from.
My husband got the contract all set up. Paid $450. Car shipped. Showed up on time. Driver offloaded my car. No issues.
Driver said rema [More]