Toyota Camry

Elizabeth Ben-Meir Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 10/7/2013 4:59:00 PM
The response to my inquiry on a Saturday morning was very quick! By Monday, everything was arranged. I was happy when the transport company was able to pick up the car one day early! No delays! The customer service was very efficient and the representatives were easy to reach. (Actually a little too easy, since I unwittingly made 2 contacts. Tom handled the move, since he was in my destination state, but Paul provided great information and support too.)Even the transport driver was easy to work with and reach by phone.

Company Response
Michael Strickland from Ship a Car Direct Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/10/2013 2:52:00 AM
Thanks for your amazing feedback, Elizabeth! Glad there was a quick and easy turn-around for you!