Never Showed Up Never Returned Calls

Amber Dixon Submitted this review about Secure Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/22/2008 6:45:00 AM
Never Never Never use this company. I set up the transport of my sons truck who is going to
school in TN. It was supposed to be picked up quite a bit in advance to be sure it was there when he arrived for school. Starting approx 3 days before they were set to pick up I started calling to
confirm and make sure everything was in order. No calls were returned. Finially after many many attempts I received some BS call from Miranda stating the driver had "mechanical problems".
Asking when they would show up they said over the weekend or at the latest Monday. Since
then I have not heard from them. My son is now in TN with no means of transportation. My
deposit was taken out weeks ago. When I call it's now FAYs fault. Go Figure! I'm in CA. and
tropical storm FAY is hindering my truck from being picked up. I really wish I would have
seen this sight before booking my transport. I am now booking someone else. Believe me
I will search this sight first before booking the next company.