Amazing Movers

Blake Submitted this review about Quality US Transport LLC
Review made Live: 8/31/2012 2:37:00 PM
I just had my car shipped from CA to VA, the pick up was suppose to be Friday, but the driver call and said Sunday 8/26/12 (which was fine with me). The car arrived in VA on Thursday 8/30/12! I did have to meet the driver at 1am, but i got my car in one piece, no damage, nothing stolen!

I would highly reccomend this company, I was scared about Transportation Brokers after my first move, but this one was great!


Company Response
John from Quality US Transport LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/31/2012 2:43:00 PM
Hey Blake, Thank you for the great review. The 1am meeting is out of the norm usually, but thank you for being so flexible. If you know anyone that needs their car transported please don't keep me a secret. 877-688-0060