nancy king Submitted this review about Kelly Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 12/17/2012 9:41:00 PM
We had set up a delivery date with Chris to pick up my 84 year old mother's car from Philadelphia to California. My mother called Chris, gave him my (son's) number for his driver to contact the day before and told us to have the car at an acceptable place for pickup. So, we took the time to take the car the night before to an open parking lot to make it easy for Chris's driver to get in, load the car and exit to the Freeway. As the night progressed, I (son) receive no call and am scheduling my work day as I am an executive in Philadelphia. I call the number my mother has for Chris at 8:00 pm and upon this individual answering the phone, I ask why the driver has not contacted me or my mother as far as pickup?? After 30 seconds, I soon realize that this individual was in an inebriated and acrimonious mood. He lit into me asking why my mother had rescheduled on him as his original truck was due for her car one week before. I explained to him that I bought her a surprise trip to Florence and we indeed let him know well in a week's advance that we would be rescheduling for the week after return which we did. He proceeded to call my mother words which I will not write on this board and called my cell phone eight times after I hung up on him saying we would use another carrier. Each call become more disturbing with threats, name calling, and ending with the statement that he hoped my mother had a short life yet to live. I came back to him with where the hell does he come off talking to a customer like this to which he replied, "you fucked up my entire last week by rescheduling on me". I have since reported to the DOT and local police with his phone number as this is a person you do not want to deal with! I also found it convenient for his business that he has eliminated all review sites except this one which don't require you to become a facebook thumbs up reviewer of his. Again, stay away, this guy is unstable.