Race car delivered on Time

Dino Fleminsar Submitted this review about KBM Logistic
Review made Live: 8/30/2014 9:20:00 PM
We bought a race car on Ebay.
And Alex who is the car dealer who sold us the car
Has recommended Kbm logistics to ship our
Car. 2013 Corvette.
We called David who likes to Joke alot.
And he gave us a price of $1250. Which we thought was a bit hige.
So we shopped around and finally booked with another company
That was $150.00 cheaper than kbm logistics.
Two weeks passed and the other company couldn't ger us a
Trucker to truck our car. Shamefully we called David Ziv FROM
Paid hime the $100 deposit.
And in two days our car got picked up and delivered in 5 days.
So we learned that the cheapest is the worst service.
Thank you David. We are sorry for been such assholes doubting you. Thanks