HORRIBLE!!! I cannot put into words how terrible this guy (Manasseh Stokes) is! Here is just a short list of the problems with him, ignores calls, hangs up on customers, empty promises, threatens customers and does not care! Worst part was he went to JAIL!! and my vehicle sat unattended for 2 days until he could be bailed out! HE HAS NO LICENSE! and is a DEAD BEAT DAD! that's why he got arrested! Total loser! No conscience! Only cares about himself and couldn't give 2 chits about the customer or their vehicle! Plan on staying up all night waiting for this guy if he bothers to show up the first 3 promised times! Vehicle arrived after 8 DAYS! with bumper damage! "I didn't do it" he says, even though it's not on the original damage report! This guy is a joke! A Lier! and a waste of time and life! Hire him if you relish problems! otherwise steer clear of this train wreck of an ignorant idiot! You've been warned!!!!!!!!!
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