Some Initial Worry But Unfounded

Paul Ferguson Submitted this review about Giant Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/24/2007 6:02:00 PM
This company must ship hundreds of vehicles each month, so that must be kept in mind when evaluating their ratings. My experience would show that a lot of the overall outcome depends on the character of the driver, not on the scheduling services of Giant. That said, treating the Giant schedulers respectfully goes a long way in ensuring you have a positive experience.

Our overall experience with the transport of our 2000 Ford Excursion (not a small vehicle...) was great. Initially we were concerned that once we had provided a verbal acceptance and credit card information that we might never hear back from them. The response from the schedulers on the telephone gave me the impression that the company might not actually follow through on the shipment as I did not receive anything more in confirmation of the order than Jamal's acceptance in the initial call, which was on a Friday. Not hearing anything through the weekend, I called Monday morning to ask if a shipper had been found and, after some time on hold while my order was located, was told they did not have anyone yet, but would hopefully have soon. When asked if, and when, I should check again, I was told Thursday. No word arrived, so Thursday morning I called and while on the phone was advised that the vehicle would be picked up that evening and given the number of the truck driver's dispatch. A quick call to them put me in touch with the driver directly, who was exceptionally professional, although a little hard to understand due to his east european accent. Once I was directly in communication with the driver, he updated me daily on his progress and ultimately delivered my vehicle practically to my door.

Overall, the operation may not be the most polished, but it is definately a good value. I would certainly use their services again.