Cathy Clauss
Submitted this review about GEO Tiger Inc. Review made Live: 8/21/2014 1:59:00 AM
This was a this was a terrible experience overall it went through a broker no limits will just text you talk me through the process. They selected this company Geo to deliver my car. They showed up a few hours late and that was okay where it gets really ugly is a two later day later I started getting calls from Geo harassing me about getting payment when they deliver the car. They were also telling me the car was going be delivered early into Tucson a day early, I was traveling across the country with my daughters I wouldn't even be there to get the car so I requested that they not deliver it and reminded them that they were not to get payment until it was delivered after harassing me and the broker finally the broker release payment. the day before the Car was scheduled. We Findlay arrived to Tucson and sadly the car is not even in Arizona it's in Texas. As of today I don't know when the car will be delivered, I'm just getting completely ripped off and frankly I'm reporting the car. please be smarter than me
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