Ripped off by EZ Auto Movers

Chris Submitted this review about EZ Auto Movers
Review made Live: 8/4/2008 1:48:00 PM
They were very late picking up my car in Washington, in fact so late, I had to get on the road and have a friend do the pick-up inspection report with them. I took pictures of my car before I left it with my friend, and he also took pictures the day of pick-up. I called the drivers many times to see when they were coming, they kept saying 2 hours, 3 hours and so on. They BARELY spoke english.

I wanted them to drop off my car about 10 days from when they picked it up so I'd have time to visit family along the way to Georgia, and so I could be present for when they dropped it off.

I was about 4 days into my trip when I got a call from them asking me where to drop off the car. I was still in Nebraska at this time. I told them I was still in the midwest and why are they dropping off my car 6 days early! I was in total panic. I had to call a storage facility to rent a space to have my car dropped there. But the drivers were inpatient and honestly, I couldn't understand them and they couldn't understand me. They tried to drop off my car at my Submarine Base I was to be reporting to, but the security guards wouldn't let them on. (That should've been common sense to the driver.) So the driver called me back cursing me in spanish for how the guards thought he had a bomb in the truck. After that phone call, I later tried to contact the driver to let him know that I had arranged a storage spot and to drop off my car there. I could not get a hold of these guys for the rest of the night and into the evening of the next day. I finally got ahold of the drivers manager (Tony), he said they dropped it off at wal-mart and put my key on my rear tire. I was still about a days drive away.

I finally got to Georgia and went straight to my car. I didn't even recognize it when I saw it first. It was COVERED in mud, just completely covered. I couldn't see into my car through any of the windows. And the bottom front end of my car was dangling in half, and wrapped in duct tape. Immediatly I called EZ Auto Movers to tell them what had happend to my car. Sandy kept saying i needed to speak with Joe. I called for over a month and a half trying to reach joe. I was not rude. I was trying to be patient with them so maybe they'd try harder to help me at least fix my front end. When I was actually able to reach Joe, he told me he would see what he could do, he was kinda loud and not very friendly. So I called everyday just about, to get the status of the situation. He just kept telling me to fax different things. I faxed everything. Almost 2 months after when my car was shipped, I called him to ask him what is he going to do to fix my car. He told me, "Since you weren't there for the Drop-Off inspection, there's nothing we can do." I told him I didn't sign anything so how can you NOT fix my car. He pretty much told me they would do nothing. So now I have a 300zx with $2,000 in damage on its front end. This was all back in January of 08, it is now August. Still nothing. I will NEVER use these guys again. The drivers that they used were called Tony's Transport out of Spokane, WA. They were equally as useless. Except when they were rude, you didn't really know because you couldn't understand them. :)