Very disappointed

Liz Submitted this review about EZ Auto Movers
Review made Live: 7/31/2008 8:51:00 PM
I was very dissatisfied with EZ Auto Transport. When I initially booked the transport, I was told that I would receive a $25 discount, I never received it. I was told that my car would be picked up on the requested day. It was only after I called to enquire as to why I hadn't heard from the driver the previous day that I was informed the car would not be picked up. I was then told it would be picked up the next day. The same senario played out the next day. My car was finally picked up 4 days later. The car did arrive in the same condition that it was picked up in and the driver of the truck was nice and his wife followed me from the drop off point to the final destination as the truck could not reach my home. However, the driver was told I would be paying him $50 more than the quoted price. I showed him a copy of the quote and that is what I paid. When I called customer support, they were neither helpful nor friendly. I was very dissatisfied, will never use this broker again, and I do not think anyone else should either.