Great Company

Garlandia Coleman Submitted this review about Direct Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/18/2012 5:34:00 AM
I have never used a company of this type so I was a bit skeptical after reading reviews but I ended up choosing Direct Express Auto and I'm glad I did... Very professional I set my dates for pickup as 12 July my truck was picked up 14 July and I was under the impression it would take a week before I would get it and my driver got it too me the very next day. Needless to say I was very pleased. The only negative I have is I was quoted a price of 565 I paid my deposit of 165$ and was suppose to give my driver 400$ but when I went to pay him he said I owed 50$ 0_o. I didn't mind because the service was great but in the future I think Direct Express Auto should fix that because I've read other reviews with similar stories.