Never picked up my vehicle

Molly Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 9/7/2012 11:53:00 AM
We are military and my husband got back from a 6 month deployment the day before we had to move to his next duty station in California. We were stationed at Naval Station Norfolk, VA the largest Navy Base in the United States and DAS didn't have a "hub" anywhere close. Fine, I understand that, so I paid to have it picked up from my former place of employment. They were kind enough to allow me to keep my vehicle in a secured area. I scheduled to have my vehicle picked up, I said I was flexible as long as it was during the day. 3 weeks went by and the vehicle was NEVER picked up and I didn't even receive a call. I called and they said they had to drop my shipment. I told them that was unacceptable, if you are going to commit to moving a military member's vehicle and take a deposit you will either move the vehicle or find another company to do it. I was outraged that I had to find a new carrier from 3000 miles away, continue to ask my work for their assistance and generosity and pay $400 more. I now realize they quoted me a low rate which nobody wanted but they got my deposit in the mean time and it wasn't a big deal to them if they lost my business. Just so they know I have black balled them at our military installation here and in the future. Way to support our troops!