Never their fault KEEP AWAY!!

Rick Smith Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 4/5/2007 1:23:00 PM
I called while I was still in California and talked to Ingris Garcia. She told me the price and I had to pay deposit with my card for $200.00. She input wrong contact info for pickup. Driver could not contact pickup point. They did not call me to help with this problem. They had my cell, office, and home numbers. Not to mention my email. After talking to all the people at CARMOVERSUSA, the truck finally got to the pickup point. The driver on the bill of laden, marked all kinds of dents, scratches, dings pretty well marked the whole car. This car is mint and the former owner would not sign off on this document. Driver took the paperwork got back into his truck and made a call. I told owner to take pictures and email them to me so we can time stamp proof. He must of not liked that because the driver left without my car. I called CARMOVERSUSA and the owner talked to me. After a heated conversation (BOTH) he said I will not get my deposit back, because the truck showed for pickup. I told him thats true, but he didn't pick it up. He told me what his contract said and he said I agreed with it. I told him I never read, signed, or ok'd any contract with your company. It is now in dispute with Am EX to get my deposit back. I am waiting to see if (I) or someone signed that contract. KEEP AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!!!