Car Movers USA

Scott F Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 3/14/2007 5:54:00 PM
Folks - this company is a scammer. Do not use these people - ever. They quote you low to get your deposit money - then POOF! Gone. I did not hear from them, even after repeated calls. When I did get a person to answer the phone, they would say that it was in dispatch and that they would call me. Never called me in a week. So I called and left a message that I had fired them, as nobody would answer the phone. A few days later - a dispatch agent called, asking me if I would accept a mover that was demanding $200 more than the quoted amount to move my car or I could just continue to wait. The ol' bait and switch. I hired another company to move my car and I am fighting the credit card company for my deposit back. Blue Star Automovers did a great job moving the car quickly after all the time that was lost to CarMovers USA. Do not use these people - ever. Your money is better spent on lotto tickets - at least you may get something from them!