would not return calls

Gail Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 2/12/2008 9:03:00 PM
I requested an estimate to ship a car from New Jersey to Mississippi. I spoke with Maria. $850.00 was quoted with a deposit of $125.00. I gave her my credit card number. I tried to call later the same day and received no return call. I tried to call her the next morning at 8:30 - no return call. Again at 10:00. No call. I called and left a message with a different agent. No call. I finally called and said I would cancel the order if no one contacted me. GOT A CALL. Maria apologized, explained that three workers were out with some virus. She gave me her cell phone number so that I could reach her easily. She asked that I call her back at 2:00. I called her cell phone. No answer. I called again. No answer. I left messages both times. No return call. I am sending them an e-mail to cancel my request. I have also contacted my credit card company so that they will be aware that I will not accept any money credited to my account by this company. Would never call them again. Hope everyone reads this before using this company!