
Tami Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 10/5/2007 1:28:00 PM
Once these people get your deposit they do nothing more that treat you rudely. Hector insisted I lock in my quote with a deposit which he charged me on Aug 30th for a contract that I signed on Sept 6th to move 4 running vehicles from Western Wa. to Eastern Wa. (about 253 miles) by the end of Sept.2007. I called several times to see if I could try and estimate a delivery time and was assured they would be moved by the end of the month but they could not guarantee me a time frame. On Sept 28th I called to find out when the vehicles would arrive only to be told by Anthony that they couldn't find a carrier to do the job for the price quoted. I was informed it would be $300.00 more but he was willing to split this with me. Still the cars wouldn't be moved by the end of Sept. When I wouldn't commit to this on the spot, he became rude telling me if he couldn't find a carrier then good luck to me trying to find one. This attitude made my instincts kick in for it was the worst customer service I could imagine. I took Anthony up on his good luck offer and found another carrier that afternoon. I immediatley called and cancelled my request 3 times on voice mail and received a confirmation from Chris via phone message on Oct 1st that no carrier had been dispatched so I "should" be due a full refund of my deposit.......
I hired another carrier on Oct 1st and my cars were picked up and delivered on Oct 3rd...hey Anthony, I did what you said you couldn't!!! Guess you shouldn't be so rude to your customers, it's not good business.