Steffanie Moorman Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 9/29/2007 7:05:00 PM
Military family that was relocated and need their car transported and their REFUND. Always excuse after excuse of why car not being picked up when dates come and go. Later they wanted more money and after being fed up and not receiving return phone calls we cancelled after several weeks. Now it has been over the limit of time for the REFUND and my daughter has email stating in process yet when you call they say no record of it. HMMMM!!!!

They tell you to have a Godly day on their messages but our poor soldier needs the car delivered and the refund from these blokes that are hanging on to their hard earned money. Our military people put their lives on the line and keep our freedom. Why do people like these keep their money and why do they claim to be Godly people.

As Godly people you are to help one another not use and abuse others in their hour of need.