The day prior to having the vehicle picked up I received a call saying that there were not going to be any trucks in my area to pick up my car and my deposit would be refunded. After asking what could be done for the broker to fulfill his end of our agreement he put me in touch with another carrier located in Chicago, IL.
At my expense I then had to hire two drivers to deliver the vehicle to the truck driver in Chicago. With no financial assistance from the company what so ever.
I feel that it is an unacceptable business practice to call a customer the afternoon prior to let them no that it will not be possible to have the vehicle picked up. In any business you forecast your work load. There is no way that I can comprehend the fact that he did not know there was not going to be a truck in my area. Especially due to the fact I scheduled this almost two weeks in advance.
In the future I will deal directly with a transportation company and not a broker. At least then I can hold someone accountable for the actions.
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