Damaged Vehicle

Don Macdonald Submitted this review about ABCD Transport LLC
Review made Live: 8/7/2012 7:52:00 PM
Though delivery was quick this all original 1977 vehicle with much better than average paint was delivered with deep scratches as if it had rubbed against the trailer or straps were used to tie it down what ever the reason the vehicles all original paint was damaged. Though the carrier claims insurance, when I inquired, I was told to file through my own insurance. When I asked if I didn't have my own insurance what would happen the answer was not satisfactory. Thank my stars I had the foresight to add my own insurance policy or I might be sucking wind. This has to do with Massachusetts no fault insurance ( another bright Mass idea) Be warned if your state has no fault the carriers insurance may not mean a thing and you will have to delve into the unknown. Mike was fine on the phone and I had some delivery issues that were worked out. Accidents happen but I was disappointed with the end results.