Scammer, Liar, Dishonest tactics, unprofessional, DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM
Anne Marie Hansel
Submitted this review about ABC Carriers Review made Live: 8/22/2012 11:22:00 AM
I scheduled with ABC Carriers to have my vehicle that I just purchased from a gentleman in California go to ARizona where I live. I was quoted $465.00 - 50.00 discount for a total of $415.00. The broker (Al) was to get $170.00 and the balance of $245.00 was to go to the driver. Once we got past the contract and paid the $170.00 is when things changed. I was told I can't read a contract, I am stupid etc. and the long story short is that he said the $170.00 didn't clear. It actually cleared on 8/13 and he held the car hostige till 8/20 when he said it finally cleared. Many other things happened to long to explain but the long story is DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN FOR ANYTHING THAT HE SAYS. He LIES, LIES and LIES. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS MAN. RUN AWAY AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. HE IS BAD NEWS!!!
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