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Auto Transport Reviews For Moves From Virginia to California

Route Summary

Total Number of Reviews VA to CA


Reviews Used in this Report


Outlier Data Removed
Most Common Cost To Move From VA to CA


Average Price


Price Range From $100 to $3900

No Stress Transportation Mercury Auto Transport

No Stress Transportation

Review by on 1/16/2025 12:59 PM about Mercury Auto Transport

Because of where we lived it was difficult for the driver to come into the residential area. So instead we met them on the main road and was an easy load and pick up. Was on phone with driver of statu [More]

Jeff Solomon - Thank You, this review made our day!
Honda civic from VA to CA AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Honda civic from VA to CA

Review by on 9/19/2024 4:47 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Harry Davis was very helpful and knowledgeable. He was also very quick to respond if I had any questions via email or phone calls. The actual price was a bit higher than the quote; however, Harry thor [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Harry Davis at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave ...
17515974 AmeriFreight Car Shipping


Review by on 8/6/2024 6:40 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Excellent service. We used AmeriFreight to ship my daughter’s car from Virginia to California. It was easy to coordinate and plan the particulars with AmeriFreight personnel. They were very courteous [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Raziah Swint at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave...
Car transport from North VA to LA AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Car transport from North VA to LA

Review by on 7/25/2024 1:32 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

This service was very easy with no complications just straightforward and efficient. A huge thank you to Sy Morgan who organized the pickup and drop off. He was a truly kind and generous person and ea [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Sy Morgan at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave us...
Car shipment from Virginia to California Montway Auto Transport

Car shipment from Virginia to California

Review by on 6/16/2024 6:57 PM about Montway Auto Transport

I had a great experience with Montway. My two cars were transported to California without any problems. Delivered door to door ahead of time and the driver communicated with us the progress of the shi [More]

Montway - Thank you for your review! We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you again in the future.
Great Experience AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Great Experience

Review by on 6/6/2024 6:56 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Harry was very helpful and provided excellent customer service. The car was delivered as expected!

AmeriFreight - Call or text Harry Davis at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave ...
Great service AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Great service

Review by on 5/23/2024 1:28 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Harry Davis order #16134681 did a wonderful job helping me get my cars transported from VA to CA. He was extremely reassuring throughout the process and was able to get my cars out to Cali in 3 days. [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Harry Davis at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave ...
very easy work with SGT Auto Transport

very easy work with

Review by on 4/23/2024 5:42 PM about SGT Auto Transport

Good customer service and quick response to my questions . overall it was a satisfying experience! definitely will use this company again when I need to ship a car next time!

SGT Auto Transport - Thank you for sharing your positive experience. We appreciate your feedback!
Smooth experience AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Smooth experience

Review by on 4/3/2024 10:13 AM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Really great experience from start to finish. Hannah was great at explaining the process of shipping my car and communicated with throughout the shipment. I never felt like I was in the dark. She matc [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Hannah Davis at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave...
Great service AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Great service

Review by on 4/3/2024 9:49 AM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

I’ve always had great experience using AmeriFreight. They’ve been honest and upfront and work with you to get you the price and date range for your transport needs.

AmeriFreight - Call or text Hannah Davis at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave...