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Auto Transport Reviews For Moves From Texas to California

Route Summary

Total Number of Reviews TX to CA


Reviews Used in this Report


Outlier Data Removed
Most Common Cost To Move From TX to CA


Average Price


Price Range From $100 to $4000

Expedient AmeriFreight Car Shipping


Review by on 2/12/2025 12:41 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Lowest price, great communication from start to finish, transparent with practices, and our truck arrived on the day estimated which was no small feat for the driver but he got it done and kept in com [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Tim Piper at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave us...
amazing - thank you! AmeriFreight Car Shipping

amazing - thank you!

Review by on 2/10/2025 7:08 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Had an amazing experience with Rosalind and driver Aleksander. Was super easy and affordable. Got there ahead of schedule. First time every shipping my car, i'll never use anyone else. Thank you guys! [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Rosalind Cook at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leav...
GREAT COMPANY - GREAT MOVER AmeriFreight Car Shipping


Review by on 1/29/2025 5:27 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Huge thanks to the mover – they were meticulous with my car. Called this Freight company and Robyn answered my call, she was very friendly, knowledgeable, pleasant to speak to, and very professiona [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Robyn Forbes at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave...
Easy process - great company to work wit AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Easy process - great company to work wit

Review by on 1/16/2025 4:29 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

I chose AmeriFreight as the company to ship my car from Dallas to California. From the start, the rep, Tim, was very transparent with the pricing and was able to answer all my questions very easily. T [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Tim Piper at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave us...
Pete Reynolds Mercury Auto Transport

Pete Reynolds

Review by on 11/20/2024 5:39 PM about Mercury Auto Transport

I just want to thank Pete Reynolds for walking me through the shipping details and holding my hand throughout the process. Pete was wonderful and if I ever ship another car I will definitely call Merc [More]

Jeff Solomon - We are so grateful for your kind words. Thanks for sharing your review with us and the community
Well done AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Well done

Review by on 10/12/2024 12:45 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Excellent service - Hannah was outstanding. The carrier delivery was on time and easy to communicate with. Recommend!

AmeriFreight - Call or text Amerifreight at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave...
Shipping from Texas to California Mercury Auto Transport

Shipping from Texas to California

Review by on 10/9/2024 2:40 PM about Mercury Auto Transport

After researching various companies, I found that Mercury consistently had the best reviews. I decided to give them a call, and Trevor was the one who assisted me. He was incredibly helpful and took t [More]

Jeff Solomon - Thank you for your review! We appreciate your positive feedback. We at Mercury work really hard to make sure your transport goes smoothly. Thank you for your business.
Automobile Transport Mercury Auto Transport

Automobile Transport

Review by on 9/21/2024 1:10 PM about Mercury Auto Transport

Trebot Thomas and Mercury Auto Transport provided very exceptional service…the job and customer service was excellent! On time, on truck, on track, on delivery…On Time!

Jeff Solomon - We are so grateful for your review. Thanks for sharing your rating with us and the community.
Great Customer Service AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Great Customer Service

Review by on 9/18/2024 12:01 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

I Highly recommend AmeriFreight for shipping your car. They are very responsive and will get you the best deal. They also offer a military plus a return customer discount. Katie was a lot of help and [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Kathleen Jones at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to lea...
SIMPLY THE BEST!!! AmeriFreight Car Shipping


Review by on 9/12/2024 6:00 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Henry Herrera @ AmeriFreight was absolutely the BEST! He often kept me informed and checked in to ensure my vehicle transport was smooth and successful!

AmeriFreight - Call or text Henry Herrera at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leav...