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Auto Transport Reviews For Moves From New Jersey to Hawaii

Route Summary

Total Number of Reviews NJ to HI


Reviews Used in this Report


Outlier Data Removed
Most Common Cost To Move From NJ to HI


Average Price


Price Range From $700 to $3459

Glad I Used Montway for Door to Port Shi Montway Auto Transport

Glad I Used Montway for Door to Port Shi

Review by on 6/14/2024 6:25 PM about Montway Auto Transport

Montway came highly recommended by folks who have used them. Montway handled my car shipping from NJ to Honolulu (using door to port) in an efficient manner. It's a more challenging shipment as they h [More]

Montway - Thank you for your review! We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you again in the future.
Great reliable service AutoStar Transport Express

Great reliable service

Review by on 7/12/2023 9:48 PM about AutoStar Transport Express

The entire process was stress-free. Anytime I had a question their response time was the day of or by the next day latest if I wound up contacting them later in the day. I needed my vehicle shipped an [More]

Mike Cannon - From Sofia 888-802-8250 x 4205: Hello Bryant! Thank you for providing feedback on your transport experience. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank you for shipping with us and spending the t...
Amazing company and employees Auto Shipping Group LLC

Amazing company and employees

Review by on 4/3/2022 6:53 PM about Auto Shipping Group LLC

Hedi helped us in so many ways through our family's move from NJ and FL to Hawaii. I have used this company two different times and will definitely use them again. Thank you for all of your help.

Terry Williams - email me or call/text me directly 360-214-3671 for a FREE ESTIMATE - MILITARY/STUDENT/RETURN CUSTOMER/MULTI CAR/REFERRAL DISCOUNTS APPLY Eric- Thank you again for contin...
Awesome service Montway Auto Transport

Awesome service

Review by on 6/8/2021 8:00 PM about Montway Auto Transport

Great service! I had another auto trasporter and didnt show up. I called them many times but keep saying we will call you back. I called montway after a friend recommended them, and they gave me 3-5 d [More]

Montway - Glad we could help with your Hawaii shipment. There is a lot that goes into the logistics behind shipping over land and water. We're happy we could help make it easy.
Transport from New Jersey to Hawaii AutoStar Transport Express

Transport from New Jersey to Hawaii

Review by on 12/8/2020 12:38 PM about AutoStar Transport Express

My daughter moved to Hawaii to be a teacher. She wasn’t sure how long she would stay so we bought an inexpensive car. She is now going on 3 years and needed her much newer car from home. I kept resear [More]

Mike Cannon - From Carlos Meffe 786-725-2239. Hi Nancy, thanks for taking the time to write your review, greatly appreciated. Pleasure to have worked on this transport for you and you know where you can find me if ...
Car - NJ to HI Auto Shipping Group LLC

Car - NJ to HI

Review by on 3/1/2019 9:28 PM about Auto Shipping Group LLC

My wife and made the big move to from NJ to Hawaii which was a huge undertaking. One of our biggest worries was shipping our car. We contacted Kimberly Freiley of She walked [More]

Terry Williams - 360-200-6854 CALL, TEXT OR EMAIL ME FOR A FREE QUOTE. I HAVE BEEN WITH OUR COMPANY 12 YEARS NOW! A+ ACCREDITED! Gary, This review is wonderful! Thank you so much for t...
Motor Movers –Patrick OConnell @ Motor Movers Auto Transport

Motor Movers –Patrick OConnell @

Review by on 11/19/2014 7:22 PM about Motor Movers Auto Transport

Patrick is honest, thorough and trustworthy. He arranged for my truck to be shipped literally across the entire United states (new jersey to Hawaii) at a great price and very fast. Thank you Patrick!

Motor Movers Representative - Patrick OConnell 480 428 1267 Justin, Thank You for the endorsement, I do all of Motor Movers Hawaii and Alaska orders and they do take extra attention, I pride...