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Auto Transport Reviews For Moves From Florida to Texas

Route Summary

Total Number of Reviews FL to TX


Reviews Used in this Report


Outlier Data Removed
Most Common Cost To Move From FL to TX


Average Price


Price Range From $129 to $4000

Shipment of Car AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Shipment of Car

Review by on 2/27/2025 12:36 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

John Rivers was AMAZING ! He was flexible, he made sure that I was able to get a god deal and he exceeded my expectations.

AmeriFreight - Call or text John Rivers at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave ...
Transport Dirt Racing Tires STT Logistics Group

Transport Dirt Racing Tires

Review by on 2/18/2025 7:29 PM about STT Logistics Group

The whole experience from the initial quotes to the delivery were perfect, better than expected! The price was reasonable and the team was helpful in accommodating our needs.

Renee Granados - Thank you for sharing your experience! It’s always a pleasure to work with wonderful customers like you.
Car Transport Mercury Auto Transport

Car Transport

Review by on 2/6/2025 11:09 AM about Mercury Auto Transport

I would give a 0 if they had one. Do not work with Jesus Vega or Mercury Auto Transport under any circumstances. My car was delievered on time but was damaged along the way with about $3,000 worth o [More]

Jeff Solomon - We’re sorry to hear about the issues you experienced with your vehicle. However, as outlined in the carrier’s response and the Bill of Lading you received on January 14th, the carrier said, "The vehic...
Transport of my Vehicle Mercury Auto Transport

Transport of my Vehicle

Review by on 12/1/2024 1:45 PM about Mercury Auto Transport

Mi nombre es Ivette Mejías. Mi fuerte es mi amor por la escritura y ¿cómo no he de sacar tiempo para elogiar a una gran compañía de transporte o persona que han brindado un excelente servicio como lo [More]

Jeff Solomon - Thank you for taking the time to share this 5 star rating! We will make sure to share this with your agent to let them know to keep up the amazing work and look forward to working with you to ship you...
Great experience Mercury Auto Transport

Great experience

Review by on 11/9/2024 10:23 AM about Mercury Auto Transport

Once again Jim comes through with a quick pick up and quick delivery

Jeff Solomon - Thank you for taking the time to share this 5 star rating! We will make sure to share this with your agent to let them know to keep up the amazing work and look forward to working with you to ship you...
Customer Service Is Horrible!! Get it Done Transportation

Customer Service Is Horrible!!

Review by on 10/31/2024 1:06 PM about Get it Done Transportation

BIKE ARRIVED WITH DEAD BATTERY NO COMPENSATION!!! NO CALL BACKS!!! DO NOT USE! Hired Get It Done Transportation to pick up my new 2024 HD Road Glide from FL & deliver to TX. I received a call from [More]

David Pein - Edward thanks for the review and opportunity to work for you! The reason there was no confirmation is because the bike was not touched from the moment we loaded it til we off loaded it, it was never t...
Amerifreight and Robyn F. Job Well Done AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Amerifreight and Robyn F. Job Well Done

Review by on 9/25/2024 1:10 PM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

My experience using Amerifreight to ship my golf cart was made seamlessly wonderful start to finish by Robyn F., a valuable member of Amerifreight's customer service team. She was personable, knowledg [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Robyn Forbes at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave...
AUTO TRANSPORT AutoStar Transport Express


Review by on 9/12/2024 1:38 PM about AutoStar Transport Express


Mike Cannon - From Demetri @ 888-802-8250 x 2225: Thank you Cameron for providing feedback on your transport experience. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank you for shipping with us and spending the tim...
Reliable, On-Time Car Transport with Exc Mercury Auto Transport

Reliable, On-Time Car Transport with Exc

Review by on 8/21/2024 7:50 PM about Mercury Auto Transport

I recently used Mercury Auto Transport to ship my car from Florida to Dallas for the third time, and I couldn't be happier with the service. Ryan Savage was my contact, and he made the entire process [More]

Jeff Solomon - Thank you for taking the time to give us a review and for recommending us to others. We at Mercury work really hard to make sure your transport goes well.
Good services !!!! US Car Go Freight Logistics LLC

Good services !!!!

Review by on 8/5/2024 4:07 PM about US Car Go Freight Logistics LLC

Very reliable service and Grace Morgan was extremely helpful throughout the process. We wanted a quick turn and Grace was able to accommodate us. Her coordination with the driver is second to none. Th [More]

Alex Brown - Your words about Grace's dedication warm our hearts! Providing personalized service is what we're all about at US Car-Go Freight, and we're thrilled to have made a positive impact on your experience. ...