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Auto Transport Reviews For Moves From Florida to Florida

Route Summary

Total Number of Reviews FL to FL


Reviews Used in this Report


Outlier Data Removed
Most Common Cost To Move From FL to FL


Average Price


Price Range From $100 to $4000

Quality car move Quality Car Move

Quality car move

Review by on 3/12/2025 7:43 AM about Quality Car Move

Chris with Quality Car move was outstanding - spoke with him Friday afternoon about moving a car I was purchasing in Pensacola to Orlando and he had a driver deliver it to my house by Saturday evening [More]

Chris - Thanks Alex .This is why we have the best reviews industry wide since 2012. Call or text Chris 954 281 9140
Robyn was the best!!! AmeriFreight Car Shipping

Robyn was the best!!!

Review by on 12/17/2024 11:15 AM about AmeriFreight Car Shipping

. Robyn took the time to thoroughly understand my specific needs and provided clear, concise information about the transport process, pricing, and timeline. She was incredibly responsive to all my que [More]

AmeriFreight - Call or text Robyn Forbes at (678) 619-0493 for discounted rates and excellent service. Customer feedback drives our business. We thank our customer for shipping with us and spending the time to leave...
Trailer condition Montway Auto Transport

Trailer condition

Review by on 10/28/2024 2:07 PM about Montway Auto Transport

I have used Montway in the past and was a satisfied customer. The company that Montway contracted to pickup my 69 GTO for transport this time showed up with a trailer missing a tire and the loading ra [More]

Montway - Thank you for your feedback. We strive to partner with only the most reliable and professional motor carriers. If you encounter any issues, please reach out to Montway immediately. Unfortunately, we c...
Transport AutoStar Transport Express


Review by on 10/10/2024 12:11 PM about AutoStar Transport Express

I love this company and I’ll be using them again real soon. They communicate with me the whole time the truck couldn’t start and they were able to jumpstart and get it on its way to me when they were [More]

Mike Cannon - From Marie @ 888-802-8250 Ext 4215: Thank you so much for the great review Angela! I’m very happy to hear that the transportation went smoothly and you are satisfied with the service. We always make s...
Most definitely Mercury Auto Transport

Most definitely

Review by on 9/25/2024 2:28 PM about Mercury Auto Transport

I had my car transported to Florida last week. This was my second time doing this. The first time wasn't a pleasant experience. This time I contacted Mercury Auto Transport. Eric La Gra called me an [More]

Jeff Solomon - We are so grateful for your kind words. Thanks for sharing your review with us and the community
outstanding customer experience AutoStar Transport Express

outstanding customer experience

Review by on 9/6/2024 3:28 PM about AutoStar Transport Express

Had a great experience. Great communication from Auto Star and exceeded expectations. Driver was extremely careful with my vehicle with lots of updates

Mike Cannon - From Sean Hancock @ 786 228 5243 or 888 802 8250 ext 4219: Thank you Mike for the feedback. Much appreciated. I'm glad you were happy with our service. We are proud of our fast reliable transportation...
Auto Transport Friendly Auto Transport

Auto Transport

Review by on 8/29/2024 10:36 AM about Friendly Auto Transport

Jason was instrumental in our entire auto transport process. He takes all the stress out of this process and insures pickup and drop off works best for you. He was always available whenever we called! [More]

Friendly Auto Transport - Thanks so much, Sherri, for taking the time to share your experience with others! What a joy it was to serve you again. You make our job easy because you understand the process, always allow for a l...
kim Auto Shipping Group LLC


Review by on 8/28/2024 12:50 PM about Auto Shipping Group LLC

kim was very help made the process very easy.Even worked with my crazy school schedule vehicle came at the exact time range they gave ! Would definitely use this company again.

Terry Williams - 360-200-6854 CALL, TEXT OR EMAIL ME FOR A FREE QUOTE. I HAVE BEEN WITH OUR COMPANY 18 YEARS NOW! A+ ACCREDITED! Khadeidra, Thank you so much for the great feedback. If...
F150 Transport AutoStar Transport Express

F150 Transport

Review by on 8/19/2024 5:28 PM about AutoStar Transport Express

I highly recommend AutoStar transport. Sean kept me informed ever step of the way. The driver contacted me on the pick up day, as I was not able to be there for the pick up, and then contacted me agai [More]

Mike Cannon - From Sean Hancock @ 786 228 5243 or 888 802 8250 ext 4219: Thank you Rory & Janet for the feedback. Much appreciated. I'm glad you were happy with our service. We pride ourselves on our 5-star reputat...
Bait and switch Auto Shipping Group LLC

Bait and switch

Review by on 8/15/2024 1:34 PM about Auto Shipping Group LLC

If I could give this company a negative 5 star review booked me at one payment then call and raised it by $50 when I declined and said I would look elsewhere they tried calling back when I didn't answ [More]

Terry Williams - This was not a bait and switch. You booked your order at 429. Yes we called you and offered a truck for an additional 50, when you declined you wanted to cancel so we did so. Then we called the truck ...