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Auto Transport Reviews For Moves From Alberta to Ontario

Route Summary

Total Number of Reviews AB to ON


Reviews Used in this Report


Outlier Data Removed
Most Common Cost To Move From AB to ON


Average Price


Price Range From $800 to $2500

vehicle transport Vehicles in Motion

vehicle transport

Review by on 9/8/2015 7:20 PM about Vehicles in Motion

Overall experience was very good. Great and constant communication with the driver. Delivered without incident and in good condition. I would recommend to others and would use again.

Paul Solomon - Paul, Thanks for the business! We enjoy working with you. As of to date, we have completed over 25 orders with you. If you ever need anything, please let us know! Shipping vehicles across Canada wi...


Review by on 8/31/2015 7:19 PM about SVP Auto Shipping

I had booked my car to be transported by SVP Auto Shipping from Calgary to Brampton. I had paid $1412 more then other prices I was getting because based on the reviews I figured it would be worth it. [More]

Stephen Burley - We understand that the owner is very upset that someone removed items from his vehicle after it had been delivered to the dealership. As the owner knew as per our Terms & Conditions, and what he w...
Terrible customer service MVS Canada Logistics

Terrible customer service

Review by on 6/3/2015 12:55 PM about MVS Canada Logistics

Worst transportation company ever. I dropped off my car last Wednesday and was told by MVS and Able Auto Transport (the carrier) that my car will be on the next shipment which was 2 days later on Frid [More]

MVS Canada Logistics Inc. - This customer called on Monday May 25 and we told him we book at least 1-2 weeks in advance before we can ship out but he wanted to ship his car quickly and wanted to know when it would leave. We...