We do not have a tool that spells out what you need to do to get a higher rating. But below you can find more information that will help you get an idea.

Your rating is an AVERAGE over a given period of time.Your "large star" primary rating is based on Two Years of reviews.
If you are trying to figure out how close you are to a higher rating there are several tools or ways you can do it.
10:1 Ratio
It takes 10 five star reviews to negate the mathematical affect of one zero
star review. So for every zero star review you need to be able to count 10 five star reviews.
Ratings Trends By Month
Currently the only place on the site to find a more precise number for your rating calculation is on the Rating Trends by Month and Overall report. This report is found on the company profile just below the "large star" rating.
When you hover your house over the little dots on the report you will be shown the average month or two year average rounded to two decimals.
The Work it Out Option
- Count the number of reviews you have.
- Count the number of stars you have.
- Divide the number of stars by the number of reviews. This will give you your mathematical average.
- As of this point take an algebra class because you will need to calculate how to get from where you are, to where you want to go.
- When you are done with all this math, note that your time is better spent taking care of your customers rather than figuring out how many reviews you need for a better rating.