User Question

Does Transport Reviews allow companies to pay people to post reviews?

Is being paid by a company to post a review allowed?



Customers are allowed to post reviews.

Transport Reviews is ratings and reviews of auto transporters posted by CUSTOMERS.

If someone is NOT a customer they are not allowed to post a review, period.

Some companies offer incentives, drawings, discounts or even direct payments to their customers if they post a review.  We do not like this practice, but we allow it.  While we prefer companies not to offer incentives we do not have a realistic or reliable option to prevent it or monitor for it.

However, both Transport Reviews and the Federal Government REQUIRE that incentives be disclosed in the review.

As part of the survey, rating and review process reviewers are required to indicate whether they were offered an incentive to post a review or not. When a reviewer indicates that they were offered or expect an incentive we show that to the public with a green "Compensated Review" icon.  More About The Compensated Reviewer Icon

Federal Law Requires

Disclosure is against the law for someone to post a review or testimonial in exchange for ANYTHING, without disclosing they were offered an incentive by the company to do so.  If you are instructed by a company to no disclose that you were paid or offered an incentive please know they are asking you to break not only the rules of Transport Reviews, but also Federal Law.

Compensated Reviews CAN Be Removed From Most Reports

Most reports include an option to remove compensated reviews from the report.  Using this option allows you to view ratings and rankings with compensated reviews removed.

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More Answers


No but they allow it

No Transport Reviews does not allow companies to pay people to post reviews but they do not stop it. Companies in this industry send out a "- Thank You"- email once their customers have shipped their vehicles. Most every company here has a policy that either they will give the customer a certain amount for a good review, - put their name in a raffle and if their name is pulled out of a hat they get - some money back, they say they will deduct a certain amount on their next - transport. Now legally all of these are not allowed but than again Transport Reviews doesnt - monitor what each company does. Our company SnowBird Trans does not - pay our customers for any reviews.

Submission Info:

By Marion Cain
with Snowbird Trans

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