awesome LAURA 561-907-8281

gaylelee schmitt Submitted this review about Zip Ship Auto Transport Services (INACTIVE)
Review made Live: 6/24/2012 4:07:00 PM
Laura was awesome! I have to tell you I had zip ship and then I thought I could do better somewhere else. Let me tell you Laura had a transport for me but I said I want a cheaper price. I went with another transport and was treated poorly and told I was overreacting to not being contacted. I was so upset and called back to Laura and she was empathetic and calmed me down. She immediatly got on the horn ad within an hour found a transporter for me.. She tried to get the price lowered but with the short time frame I had to pay 900.00 instead of the 800.00 that she originally had. It was my fault not sticking wit her but I was grateful for her quick hard work. I will go through zip ship again because the honest and hardworking work done by Laura.
thanks again Laura!!!