This was my first time buying a car on Craigslist clear across the country. I live in Georgia and I found just the right car in California. Knowing I would have to get my car shipped - I made a preliminary search by filling out an on-line quote on the internet. I was flooded with responses - both email and cell phone. Of all the quotes Miah Park's of WorldWide Shipping really stood out. The letter was respectful, and even gave tips to first time shippers like me. When I reached out and called WorldWide Shipping I actually got Miah Park on her day off. Still she took time to talk to me and explain the sequence of events. She told me - first, complete my interactions with the car dealer. And, when I have all the paperwork in hand (Bill of Sale, Title, etc...) give her a call back. Once the purchase of my car was finalized I called back. Miah was super helpful and took down my specifics: car, dealership location, point of contact at dealership, receiving location, etc... And any other specifics - in my case I was requesting particular delivery dates so I wouldn't have to miss work. A short time later I received an email from Miah with the Shipper's name and instructions for Amount and Payment to give the driver upon arrival. So, the car was picked up - the car was delivered - the driver was paid. It was that simple!
If I ever need to ship a car in the future - I would not hesitate to use Miah Park and WorldWide Shipping LLC.
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