College Bound

Christina Tovar Submitted this review about We Will Transport It Corp
Review made Live: 8/29/2012 10:55:00 AM
I needed to get my car from Miami to Tallahassee since I'm attending FSU this year, I had to drive the Uhaul truck by myself all the way up and didnt have anyone who could drive up my 2005 Mazda 6. Helmer (the rep who arranged everything) and We Will Transport It ensured my car would be there by the time i was settled into my new apt. He was great and told me he understood the urgency and my car was there on time. I was a bit worried considering my baby was going to be on a truck with a bunch of other cars and ive read reviews where they get damaged. My car was in the same great condition as it was when it was picked up. Apart from the beyond excellent service I was also sold on the fact that he told me his wife went to FSU too ;)