Sunrise FL, 33322
How long does it take to transport my vehicle? What is a typical pick up and delivery time frame?
The time it takes to transport your car from state-to-state varies depending on which states you need service on. For a truck driven by one single driver, standard times for delivery would be applied. For trucks driven by two or more drivers, the route would be completed much faster as multiple drivers would trade shifts. Drivers are generally allowed to drive 14 consecutive hours In which to drive up to 11 hours after being off duty for 10 or more consecutive hours. This limits the amount of time a driver is allowed to operate per shift which is enforced by the FMCSA.
To determine the amount of time it takes to ship a car from point A to point B, one must include drive time along with loading and unloading Plus customer service for each designated pick-up and delivery adding up to the total time it takes to transport your car to its final destination.
Check out below for common routes and the estimated time of arrival It takes to complete car shipping.
From Los Angeles, CA | From San Francisco, CA | From Buffalo, NY |
to Miami, FL | to New York City, NY | to Orlando, FL |
Car Ship ETA 7-10 days | Car Ship ETA 7-10 days | Car Shipping ETA 3-5 days |
California to Florida | California to New York | New York to Florida |
From Jersey City, NJ | From Dallas, TX | From Atlanta, GA |
to Houston, TX | to San Diego, CA | to Chicago, IL |
Car Ship ETA 5-7 days | Car Ship ETA 3-5 days | Car Shipping ETA 3-5 days |
New Jersey to Texas | Texas to California | Georgia to Illinois |
From Orlando, FL | From Baltimore, MD | From Tampa, FL |
to Portland, OR | to Minneapolis, MN | to Austin, TX |
Car Ship ETA 7-10 days | Car Ship ETA 3-5 days | Car Shipping ETA 3-5 days |
Florida to Oregon | Maryland to Minnesota | Florida to Texas |
From Cleveland, OH | From San Diego, CA | From Philadelphia, PA |
to Oakland, CA | to Boston, MA | to Las Vegas, NV |
Car Ship ETA 7-10 days | Car Ship ETA 7-10 days | Car Shipping ETA 5-7 days |
Ohio to California | California to Massachusetts | Philadelphia to Nevada |
By looking at the above details, you will get an idea of the time it takes to have your car shipped from one state to another. The auto transport company you reserve with should be able to issue you more direct and accurate pickup and delivery times once your vehicle has been added to schedule.
Always remember, that when dealing with the roads, there is always a risk of delay. Your auto transport service provider should keep you updated every mile of the way.
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