Submitted this review about VLS LLC Review made Live: 7/12/2010 11:42:00 AM
This shipping company was contracted by the dealership where I purchased my classic car. When my car arrived at a location that was not my house where it was to be delivered there was damage on the front nose of the car. I was advised by the driver and we spoke to his boss and they assured me that the damage would be taken care of i just need to get a few estimates for the repairs and they would make good on it. I provided to VLS LLC several photos of the car prior to being loaded on the truck and several pictures of the car the moment it came off the truck (to show damage occured in shipping) along with several estimates for the damage. Now 2 1/2 months later after numerous phone calls and e-mails (which never get answered) I have still not received or heard anything from VLS LLC. After my experience with this company I would certainly advise people to stay clear of this company, they are not honost and most of all they are not reputable.
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New York
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