You call this a service company!!! Are you serious!!!! I have never been so pissed off at a company before. I signed a contract on the 13th of May and kept calling back to the company because I was GUARANTEED that my vehicle would be at my door within 10 days. I NEVER received a call from Universal Transport Services Inc. on an update to my order or the delay of my order. I kept a log on the number of times I called back to this worthless company at it totaled 23 times! All I kept hearing was "I'm working on it, I'm really sorry but I'm working on it, I'm working really hard on this" etc... I finally cancelled my order because I spoke with someone from a 5 star rated company which was much more REALISTIC and HONEST about the transport business. The only good thing about this company was that I was guaranteed the refund of my deposit, but let's face it, I deserve to get my refund after waiting this long to simply get a phone call of an update! which by the way, I NEVER received and I had to call to check the status on my refund as well... the girl who answered the phone (Melissa) answered it like she had the longest night of her life and was too tired to answer the phone. I asked her the status of my refund and she said "you have to wait 7 to 10 business days", I said "Great, should I call back on the 10th day if I had not received it?" she said, "I said you have to wait 7 to 10 days, 7 to 10 days, you have to wait 7 to 10 days!" Who runs this rubbish company? What manager or owner of a company would allow his/her employees to speak to customers this way? Horrible company and it's no wonder it is only 3 star rated.
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