Great service.

Shudan Shen Submitted this review about United Freight Of America
Review made Live: 6/18/2010 5:18:00 PM
I was worried about shipping my car across the country because I heard of so many horrible stories. I picked out UnitedFreight of America because 1) the price was competitive, 2) the reviews online were pretty good, 3) Rebecca who was my primary contact was very sweet, honest, and helpful.

I was told that my car should be picked up within 3-5days from the first available date. The driver actually showed up on the first day. He was professional and very friendly. I was expecting a 7-10 day transit, but my car was on the other side of the country in a total of 4 days!

All transactions were pretty smooth, and my inquiries were all promptly responded. Overall, I really appreciate the good service.