Use this company if you are prepared to pay double what they originally quote
disapointed constumer
Submitted this review about United Freight Of America Review made Live: 10/11/2012 11:46:00 AM
Very upset with what this company has failed to do. When I first began speaking with this company I thoughy they were very knowledgeable. I was originally told they would move my vehicle for $890 in 2-3 days. To make a long story short , its now been 2 WEEKS and they still have not picked up my vehicle, and they are now saying the cost is now $1400. Upon recei ving this $1400 offer from them 2 days ago...I began looking for s different hauler. I DID NOT sign a contract with another company, just simply called around to get quotes.(Which I was able to find someone to do it for $700). I told the company that I had signed a contract with UNITED FREIGHT of AMERICA and that it exprired in 24hrs. So I wasn't able to proceed with them until my UNITED FREIGHT of AMERICA contract expired in 24hrs.
#1. They did not move my vehicle in 2-3 days as promised. #2. They told me the cost was $890, once I signed the contract, the price jumped to $1400. and I wouldn't have the vehicle for another week. (Now totalling up to 3 weeks). #3. Their service was horrible. I don't appreciate bring yelled at for their mistakes. #4. I was charged $150 for NOTHING !!
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