2518 Kingsley Drive NE
Marietta GA, 30062

QUser Question

Can I ship boxes in my car when my vehicle is being shipped?

Can I put boxes in my car or can I pack items in my vehicle when it is being shipped?


Auto Carriers are NOT Permitted to Haul Household Goods

Although car carriers are not permitted to haul household goods, we understand that sometimes it is much more convenient to put some items in your vehicle while it's being transported. Here are the things to remember: the carriers' cargo insurance does NOT cover anything inside of the vehicle. If you must put some items in your vehicle...make sure they are hidden, not sentimental or expensive, and not over 50lbs. The reason for the weight restriction is due to the fact that carriers are weighed at every USDOT weigh station and when they load their trailers they go by each cars' GVW and if they are over their limit they are shut down for 8 hours (with your vehicle) & fined.

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