Submitted this review about Transport Services Review made Live: 2/23/2010 4:36:00 PM
Moving my high end vehicle with Transport Services has been a disaster from start to finish. They have not lived up to a single commitment during the move. Late to pick up, Late to deliver, the worst unapologetic customer service experience in my life. When I called their "Customer Service" line I was told that technically they were not late unless they picked the car up 10 days after the contracted date. What makes my experience most aggravating is the fact that they have been unresponsive to my phone calls for status on the pick up or arrival of my vehicle. When I do finally receive a call back, the communication has been filled with contradictions and inconsistencies, just flat out lies. Based upon my experience this company has no right to be in business. DO NOT TRUST YOUR VEHICLE TO TRANSPORT SERVICES.
Transport Services has attempted to keep my review off of this site by claiming that I am not a customer. Craig
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