Scam, Liar, Fraud

Richard A. Submitted this review about Transport Relief LLC
Review made Live: 5/28/2013 5:11:00 PM

They only care about collecting a deposit. After a quoted amount of $1,100 to transport an off road vehicle from New York to Oregon I signed an 'on-line' contract. After three days I called for a status report. I was told that no trucks were available and I needed to pay another $400. The excuses for the increase included: the route dried up, you just missed the truck that was available for the contracted rate, route rates change due to; sink holes, hurricane, tornadoes, economy. I was told that Interstate 5 (Mexico to Canada) is a "difficult" route which made no sense for a transport from New York to Oregon? You'd think a transport booking company would have a working knowledge of a map. Raven also told me an enlightening philosophical story about a jellyfish that had something to do with "belief". He's also threatened a collection action? They have no idea when or if my vehicle will be picked up. When you question their actions you will be told to "Read Your Contract" but when you quote from the contract something that isn't in their favor they will hang up.
This company is a scam.