Car delivered on time with great service!

Tony DeLorenzo Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 10/30/2013 8:55:00 PM
This is the third time that I used Transport Connection and for the third time I am completely happy with the service and specifically the quality of service provided by Bill Avrich. Bill is extremely knowledgeable and explains in great detail the process and the associated costs. He will contact a car carrier, while he has you on the phone and all three parties will discuss the specifics of the trip, including pick up and delivery times and when all are agreed on the specifics, Bill then negotiates the price with the car carrier. Bill negotiated a $50 reduction in the car carrier price from the original quote.

I was a little apprehensive about shipping my brand new Maxima, but Bill fully explained to the car carrier that the car was brand new without a single scratch, and the car carrier was fantastic and took great car of my new car. The car carrier delivered the car exactly as promised and within 5 minutes of the exact time that he said he would deliver the car to my residence.

As I stated earlier, this is the third time that I used Transport Connection and every time I have been totally satisfied with Transport Connection and Bill Avrich, and I will use them again when I ship my car back to Massachusetts. I highly recommend Transport Connection!