Don't use 'em

Eric Submitted this review about Town and Country Auto Transport
Review made Live: 7/14/2005 1:43:00 AM
Terrible experience. I called them 5 straight days and they never returned my call once. When they were trying to get me to use their brokering service, they called me everyday.

I know it's tough setting up coast to coast moves, but I made contact w/them for a 6/26 move in early june and my car is still sitting at the dealership and they won't return my call.

In fact, the only time that they've called me after sending my contract in was to tell me that they needed more money. When I questioned this, they said that they had the mover all lined up and my car should be picked up w/in a couple of days. Needless to say, 6 days later my caar is still sitting there and they won't call back. Don't use 'em.