Best Customer Service

Eran Submitted this review about The Car Transporters Inc.
Review made Live: 8/14/2011 2:20:00 PM
My car hasn't picked up yet. But so far the customer service experience is one of the greates.

I used this forum and contacted Elizabeth. She was very understanding and always advised me on what to do. Also one other thing I liked was unlike with other companies she never disturbed me with regular calls and gave me enough time to think about it. It was nice to deal with her and I'd recommend to work with her for anyone wanting to move the car.

Company Response
Terry Williams from The Car Transporters Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/17/2011 1:47:00 PM
**Elizabeth** . . . Thank you Eran. With your new baby this is the last thing you should have to worry about!!