Bunch of no good, lying jackasses

Darren Submitted this review about Texas Auto Shipping
Review made Live: 4/22/2008 4:55:00 PM
Bought a Honda Pilot from a friend of mine in Dallas who was under a lease program. Living approximately 200 miles away in East Texas, on a recommendation from the dealer I called T.A.S. to bring the vehicle to me. They take my order but it wasn't until 15 days had past did they have a transporter pick up the vehicle and deliver it. In that 15 days they kept me completely in the dark about what was going on, and when contacted they lied to me no less than 5 times ("the transporter's picking it up right now. We'll call you when he's on the way"), lied to the dealer no less 3 times who in turn was lead me down the path, etc. And all this was days AFTER we had paid them for the delivery.

Their excuse? "Well, Nacogdoches is far out of the way and we couldn't find anyone to do it." Well then don't take my damn money, lie to me, and make me wait 15 days. It's a whopping 200 miles....there is no "out of the way" when you're talking 200 miles.

Oh...and the wait caused me to lose a sale for our old vehicle.

Simply put, the worse run, managed, and dishonest company I have had the displeasure of doing business with in the last 10 years. And to give that comment some context, I'm a lawyer and as a lawyer I've seen some pretty bad businesses.

T.A.S. is by far the worst.

Company Response
Merritt Critcher from Texas Auto Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/1/2008 12:53:00 PM
We sincerely apologize about the length of time it took Darren Bertin his vehicle but he isn't telling the truth here. The order was placed on 4/9/08. Vehicle was picked up on 4/17/08 and delivered 4/18/08 (did not take 15 days- only 9) Payment was made on 4/18/08 - (we didn't take money until shipment was in motion) We talked to Cindy (Darren's wife) and never lied to her. It was a difficult move and that's what we told her. Sure it was only 200 miles, but it was 200 miles into the middle of nowhere. We were only explaining to her that it was a difficult move and that we were working hard on it. We most certainly didn't ever lie to the customer at all. As you can see, this "lawyer" is really the one not telling the truth. Again, like we said on the phone to Cindy. We are very sorry this took longer than expected. Every now and then it's hard to move vehicles especially to very small towns. Shorter "Hot Shot" moves are actually harder to do these days because the gas prices are killing these carriers out there.