M. Ossola
Submitted this review about Streamline Auto Transport Review made Live: 1/23/2006 8:45:00 PM
When you search for a shipper to handle your move you are looking for what I found- reliability, honesty, knowledge of the industry, and good shipper contacts to draw from. Look no further they are the real deal. When they got the job, they followed up and insured that it got done right and in a timely manner. Of course the hauler was the one that made me happy. FX78 is the haulers company name. What they did was above and beyond normal- they picked up my car on a sunny morning in january in Ohio. By the time they got into Indiana (on there way to Illinois) they were in snow, by the time they got into Illinois they were in a blizzard. At 8:30 PM they were at my house. I asked them why they didn't pull into a safe haven and come the next day- they said that when they called to say they were coming that was giving there word! So they were doing what they said they would do. WOW!!!!!! This father-son team is special. Use them and you will say the same thing.
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