Helped in our time of need

Catherine Hart Submitted this review about State 2 State Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 7/26/2008 6:20:00 PM
This company helped us at the last minute. We had went with a different broker and they were unabe to do the job. I called state2state 2 days before my daughter flew out of Nevada. They found a carrierthat could get the car and it was picked up the day after she left.The car arrived 6 days later.We are so glad that state2state was there to help.Be careful of who you choose. Some don't care but State2State does. I would recommend them to any one that needs this service.I will use them again if I need another car transported.

Company Response
Yali from State 2 State Auto Transport Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/22/2008 3:26:00 PM
Thanks for the great review about us! Im glad we were able to move the car for your daughter on time! It was a pleasure working with you on the transport!