Do not use them! They will change the price on you later!

Cindy Submitted this review about Speedy Auto Transport
Review made Live: 1/27/2009 3:37:00 PM
They give you an unbeatable price, then schedule the pick up, then say they can't do it after. Now 5 days later, I'm looking for someone else. Don't waste your time....David wasn't honest with me.

Company Response
Jamal Dyer from Speedy Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 1/28/2009 12:50:00 PM
Cindy called our company to find out info about placing an order. David noticed that there was not a vehicle description in the quote it just said "other." When this happens we have to get an accurate vehicle type to determine the price. So upon finding out that the vehicle was a large van the price would have to be adjusted. The customer said to please try and transport the vehicle at the quoted price even though David told Cindy that the van would most likely not be able to be transported at that rate. When a driver in the area reached Speedy Auto to see about transporting the van the company requested more money to load the large van, David called Cindy and explained "again" what the scenario was. Cindy got upset, almost like she didn't remember the chain of events that were leading up to this event... We always are happy to have customers review our company. We all know there are 2 sides to every story. Sometimes its next to impossible to satisfy every request in business however we definitely do our best. We operate within a 92-95% satisfactory range which is far higher then our competitors. We transport around 1000 vehicles a month and have positive results for 920-950 of those vehicles